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Age Policy

North Atlanta Pediatrics will begin seeing your child as a newborn. We will continue to see your child until they complete their last year of high school, including their pre-college exam. At that point, we ask that you transfer their records to a physician specializing in Adult Care.

Appointment Policies

Sick Visits

North Atlanta sees patients on an appointment-only basis. We do reserve same-day appointments for sick children during regular office hours. If your child is ill during our office hours and needs to be seen, please call in advance to ensure that we can see your child and our other patients effectively.

Scheduling Newborn visits

If you are a parent of a newborn, please call the office as soon as possible to schedule your baby’s first checkups.

Checkup Schedules

Below are the ages at which we typically do checkups. Please call at least 5-6 months in advance to schedule routine physicals. We recommend annual checkups for all children over three years of age.

  • Newborn
    • 1) 1-2 days after hospital discharge
    • 2) 10-14 days after initial visit
  • 1 month
  • 2 months
  • 4 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 months
  • 12 months
  • 15 months
  • 18 months
  • 24 months
  • 30 months
  • Annual checkups for ages 3 years and up

Cancellation Policy

Missed appointments for routine/preventive care are very disruptive to our office and deprive others of an appointment to see the doctor. We require twenty-four (24) hours of advance notice for all cancellations. We charge $80 for any no-shows or appointments that are canceled with less than 24 hours of notice.

Financial Policy

Thank you for choosing North Atlanta Pediatrics as your healthcare provider. The following is a summary of our financial policy. We require that you read and sign our policy prior to treatment.
Due to frequent changes in health insurance coverage, we require that you provide proof of insurance coverage at each visit.


All co-payments, coinsurance, and deductibles are due at the time of service unless other arrangements have been made in advance. These fees cannot be waived. If you do not have insurance, are unable to provide proof of insurance coverage, or are on a plan in which we do not participate, full payment is required at the time of your visit.

All co-pays not collected at the time of service will incur a $10 billing fee. Please also be aware that some services provided may be non-covered services and not reimbursable by your insurance. You are personally responsible for these services. For your convenience we accept cash, check, Visa/MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. There is a service charge for returned checks. Patients with an outstanding balance that is 60 days or longer overdue must make arrangements for payment prior to scheduling appointments. Please contact our business department for assistance.

Financial arrangements for balances due can be made through a payment program. Failure to resolve any past due accounts, including returned checks, will result in referral to a collection agency. You may be responsible for any fees associated with the costs of collections in addition to the amount owed on the account. Any family whose account is forwarded to a collection agency may be discharged from our practice.


We bill participating insurance companies for your visit. You are expected to pay your deductible and copayments at the time of service. If we have not received payment from your insurance company within 45 days of the date of service, you may be expected to pay the balance in full. Please note that your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company, and therefore, you are responsible to ensure that all charges are paid whether by you or your insurance company.

We do not bill secondary insurance companies.

Missed Appointments / Late Cancellations

Missed appointments for routine/preventive care are very disruptive to our office and deprive others of an appointment to see the doctor. We require twenty-four (24) hours of advance notice for all cancellations. We charge $80 for any no-shows or appointments that are canceled with less than 24 hours of notice. Excessive abuse of scheduled appointments may result in discharge from the practice.

Medical Records / Forms

Effective January 1, 2021, in lieu of our per forms charge and other supplemental charges, North Atlanta Pediatric Associates will assess an annual administrative fee to our patient accounts. The fee will be $20 per patient with a family maximum of $50. This fee will ensure that our patients have access to our own 24-hour nurse advice line, care coordination/referrals, and completion of standard school, camp, and sports physical forms within 72 business hours. (RUSH forms including ADHD medication refills will still incur a $20 rush fee).

Divorce, Separation, & Custody Agreements

North Atlanta Pediatric Associates collect copays and deductibles from the attending parent at the time of service. Copies of these charges are available at the request of the attending parent. Each parent is responsible for providing correct billing information for their child. Incorrect billing information or lack of billing information will necessitate billing the attending parent at the time of service.

If a parent is legally excluded from participation in any form of medical care for their child, North Atlanta Pediatric Associates requires documentation from the court as part of our medical record.

HIPAA – Notice of Privacy

Download our HIPAA – Notice of Privacy form.

Policy Regarding Forms

We have included a pediatric forms portion to this site. Feel free to print off any of these and complete them in full. You may fax or mail these or other form requests.
Fax: (404) 256-3583

Address: North Atlanta Pediatrics
1100 Lake Hearn Drive, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30342

Prescription Refill Policy

ADD/ADHD Medications

Some children in our practice receive prescriptions for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. These medications cannot be refilled by phone. Mail order is still an option if your insurance allows this. We will be writing your prescription for 3 separate 30-day supplies unless you instruct us to do otherwise.

Please help us by making ALL REFILL REQUESTS BY MAIL, FAX, AND PATIENT PORTAL USING THIS FORM.  If you want your prescription returned to you by mail, please supply us with STAMPED SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPES.



We have included the Refill Request for ADD/ADHD Medications in our pediatric forms section, as well as sending you a request form with your last prescription. Please make sure all information is reviewed and completed fully and correctly.

Other Prescription Refills

It may be necessary to call the office or have your pharmacy check with our office about refills. Please be aware that in most cases, antibiotics will not be refilled. However, if you are asking for a routine refill, you may go to the forms section of this site and print out the Prescription Refill Request form and fax or mail it to the office. Please make sure the form is filled out completely.

Fax: (404) 256-3583

Address: North Atlanta Pediatrics
1100 Lake Hearn Drive, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30342

Vaccine Policy

We firmly believe in the safety and effectiveness of vaccines to prevent serious illness and to save lives.

We highly recommend that all children and young adults should receive all the recommended vaccines according to the schedule published by the Centers for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Your child will require certain immunizations for protection against childhood diseases. North Atlanta Pediatric Associates is committed to immunizing all children with vaccines required by the state of Georgia, if your child has no medical contraindications. We require adherence to our recommended schedule of immunizations, which are subject to change as new vaccines are developed.


Effective January 1, 2024, in lieu of our per forms charge and other supplemental charges, North Atlanta Pediatric Associates will assess an annual administrative fee to our patient accounts. The fee will be $20 per patient. This fee will ensure that our patients have access to our own 24-hour nurse advice line, care coordination/referrals, and completion of standard school, camp, and sports physical forms within 72 business hours. (RUSH forms including ADHD medication refills will still incur a $20 rush fee).
